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Signs of the Stages of Lyme

Brenda Sterling-Goodwin

The signs and symptoms of Lyme can be different for each person as we are all unique individuals and cannot be put into the same box.

If you have been bitten by a tick and possibly infected there are many things to consider. Not every tick can be carrying disease but the incidence of infected ticks has increased over the years. The signs and symptoms of Lyme can be different for each person as we are all unique individuals and cannot be put into the same box.

If you are bitten one of the early signs is an EM rash and it is important to note that not all rashes are a bull’s-eye rash and not everyone will develop a rash. It has been said that 90 percent get a rash when in reality it is more like 30 percent or even less.

In early localized Lyme disease (Stage 1) a rash can develop from 3 to 30 days after the bite and in some cases months to years later.

Early on, one can have flu like symptoms with other signs such as:

  • chills,

  • fever,

  • fatigue,

  • headache,

  • joint and muscle pain,

  • swollen lymph nodes and more.

This is the time for treatment which can have the best chance of a successful outcome.

The Lyme infection can be asymptomatic (no signs) or can remain dormant for weeks, months or even years. Many will not even know they were bitten as ticks are very small. When symptoms do develop often very aggressive treatment is require that can last many months to years. The infection can go into remission and reappear later as a result of stress or some type of trauma.

Symptoms of early disseminated Lyme disease (Stage 2) may occur weeks to months after the tick bite as the infection moves throughout the body affecting skin, joint, nervous system and heart.

Symptoms may include:

  • Bell’s palsy (paralysis or weakness in the muscles of the face),

  • pain that can move around the body,

  • weakness,

  • numbness,

  • sleep disturbances,

  • heart problems,

  • psychological dysfunction,

  • anxiety,

  • depression,

  • shortness of breath and more.

Late disseminating Lyme disease (Stage 3) has also been referred to as post-treatment, chronic or neurological and can occur if the disease is not treated promptly or effectively in the first two stages. The bacteria is spread throughout the body at this point.

The symptoms vary including chronic arthritis, neurological and cardiac issues.

Symptoms can include:

  • severe fatigue,

  • migrating pain/numbness in the arms, hands, legs or feet,

  • severe headaches or migraines,

  • insomnia,

  • heart rhythm disturbance,

  • costochondritis,

  • vertigo,

  • dizziness,

  • mental fogginess and concentration problems,

  • tremors,

  • seizures,

  • paralysis,

  • schizophrenia,

  • sensitivities to sound, motion and noise plus more.

We are all unique individuals.

There is no quick fix and what works for one will not necessarily work for another. It is important to seek out help of a doctors who is knowledgeable about vector transmitted infections. Sustained doses of antibiotics are needed to remove the bacteria (not the single dose some have proposed), and diet and supplements can be of great help to relieving many symptoms as can alternative therapies.

Do your own research and ask questions.

Education is Key!

- Brenda Sterling-Goodwin

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